03/2024 (Dated 29.07.2024) |
Online applications are invited for the post of Professor-Chair |
Online Application: 20.08.2024
Hard copy: 29.08.2024
Detailed Advertisement
Kindly read the instructions given in the detailed Advertisement carefully before applying for the post
02/2024 (Dated 13.03.2024) |
Online applications are invited for for Non-Teaching posts in the University |
Online Application: 09.04.2024
Hard copy: 16.04.2024
List of qualified candidates for the document verification-interaction for the post of Accounts Assistant
Corrigendum regarding post of Accounts Assistant
Revised Answer Key of Skill Test for the post of Accounts Assistant 
Answer Key for Skill Test for the post of Accounts Assistant for the post of Accounts Assistant
Result of Typing Test for the post of Accounts Assistant
Schedule of Recruitment for the post of Accounts Assistant
Result of Punjabi Qualifying Test for the post of Accounts Assistant
Answer key for test of Punjabi Qualifying for the post of Accounts Assistant
Admit Cards for the Post of Account Assistant have been sent on the respective email ids of all eligible candidates. Candidates can check and print their admit cards
Final list of eligible candidates for the post of Accounts Assistant
List of Eligible-Not eligible candidates for the post of Accounts Assistant
Schedule for the post of Accounts Assistant
Detailed Advertisement
Kindly read the instructions given in the detailed Advertisement carefully before applying for the post
Non-Teaching Post
- Accounts Assistant (01),
Consultant cum Liaison Officer (01)
01/2024 (Dated 07.02.2024) |
Online applications are invited for the post of Director CIQA |
Online Application: 28.02.2024
Hard copy: 06.03.2024
Final list of Eligible candidates for the post of Director (CIQA)
Provisional Score Card of the candidates for the Post of Director (CIQA)
Detailed Advertisement
Kindly read the instructions given in the detailed Advertisement carefully before applying for the post
Director Centre for Internal Quality Assurance (CIQA)
Dated 20.10.2023
Advertisement for Hiring Research Project Staff for Short-term Empirical Research Project funded by ICSSR |
Date of Walk-In-Interview: 26-10-2023
Kindly read the instructions given in the Advertisement carefully before applying for the posts. There is no need to send applications in advance, candidates must carry the duly filled application form along with their testimonials at the time of interview.
Detailed Advertisement and Application Form
16/2023 (Dated 16.08.2023) |
Online Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the Post of Assistant Professor-chair (Bhagwan Sri Parshuram Ji ) on contractual basis. |
Online Application: 24.08.2023
Date of Walk-In-Interview: 25.08.2023
Detailed Advertisement
Kindly read the instructions given in Detailed Advertisement carefully before applying for the posts. Online Application portal for the following posts will open w.e.f 17.08.2023,
Teaching Post
- Assistant Professor-chair (Bhagwan Sri Parshuram Ji )
15/2023 (Dated 22.06.2023) |
Online Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the Post of Assistant Professor (Computer Science) on contractual basis for the session 2023-24 |
Online Application: 07.07.2023
Date of Walk-In-Interview: 11.07.2023
New schedule for walk-in-interview for the post of Assistant Professor (Computer Science)
Postponement of Walk-in Interview for the post of Assistant Professor (Computer Science)
Detailed Advertisement
Kindly read the instructions given in Detailed Advertisement carefully before applying for the posts. Online Application portal for the following posts will open w.e.f 22.06.2023,
Teaching Post
- Assistant Professor (Computer Science)
14/2023 (Dated 30.05.2023) |
Online applications are invited from eligible candidates for Non-Teaching posts in the University |
Online Application: 18.06.2023
Hard copy: 22.06.2023
Notice Regarding List of Eligible and Non-Eligible candidates for the post of Personal Assistant
List of Eligible and Non-Eligible candidates for the post of Personal Assistant
Detailed Advertisement
Kindly read the instructions given in Detailed Advertisement carefully before applying for the posts. Online Application portal for the following posts will open w.e.f 30.05.2023,
Non-Teaching Post
- Personal Assistant - 02 (01 Gen, 01 SC)
Dated 26.04.2023 |
Walk-In-Interview for post of Research Assistant and Field Investigator under SCERT Project "Impact of Smart School Project in Improving Access, Equity and Quality of School Education" at JGND PSOU, Patiala. Venue: Academic Block, Jagat Guru Nanak Dev Punjab State Open University, Patiala (Govt. State College of Education, Patiala). |
Date of Walk-In-Interview : 04.05.2023 |
Kindly read the instructions given in Advertisement carefully before applying for the posts. There is no need to send applications in advance, candidates must carry the duly filled application form along with their testimonials at the time of interview.
- Application Form for the Post of Research Assistant and Field Investigator
Dated 11.04.2023 |
Notice inviting quotation from Chartered Accountant. |
Last Date : 26.04.2023 upto 5:00PM |
- Advertisement
Dated 08.04.2023 |
Walk-In-Interview for Various Research Positions under SCERT Project "Impact of Community Involvement in improving enrollment and school attendance: A study of Punjab" at JGND PSOU, Patiala |
Date of Walk-In-Interview: 21.04.2023 |
Kindly read the instructions given in Advertisement carefully before applying for the posts. There is no need to send applications in advance, candidates must carry the duly filled application form along with their testimonials at the time of interview.
- Application form for Research Associate/Research Assistant/Field Investigator
The venue for the walk-in interview for various posts under SCERT projects is on 21.04.2023 at the Academic Branch of JGND PSOU (Govt. State College of Education, Patiala)
Dated 06.04.2023 |
Walk-In-Interview for Various Research Positions under SCERT Project "Impact of Smart School Project in Improving Access, Equity and Quality of School Education" at JGND PSOU, Patiala |
Date of Walk-In-Interview: 21.04.2023 |
Kindly read the instructions given in Advertisement carefully before applying for the posts. There is no need to send applications in advance, candidates must carry the duly filled application form along with their testimonials at the time of interview.
- Research Position under Smart School Project
- Application Form for Research Position under Smart School Project
The venue for the walk-in interview for various posts under SCERT projects is on 21.04.2023 at the Academic Branch of JGND PSOU (Govt. State College of Education, Patiala)
12/2023 (Dated 04.03.2023) |
Online applications are invited for the various Teaching and Non-Teaching posts in the University |
Online Application: 24.03.2023 03.04.2023
Hard copy: 31.03.2023 10.04.2023
Notice for the post of Clerk: Final list of eligible and not-eligible candidates for the post of Clerk
Notice regarding postponement of interview of Professor-Chair
Notice for the post of Clerk
Notice regarding postponed of interview.
Interview for the post of Professor- Chair under Bhagwan Shri Parshuram Ji Chair, is postponed till further orders.
Detailed Advertisement
Kindly read the instructions given in Detailed Advertisement carefully before applying for the posts. Online Application portal for the following posts will open w.e.f 04.03.2023,
Teaching Post(s)
- Professor-Chair (Bhagwan Shri Parshuram Chair) (01)
Non-Teaching Post(s)
- Clerk (Bhagwan Shri Parshuram Chair) (01)
- Personal Assistant (PA) -02 (01 Gen, 01 SC)
11/2022 (Dated 10.10.2022) |
Online applications are invited for the various Teaching posts in the University |
Online Application: 31.10.2022
Hard copy: 07.11.2022
Revised Merit list for the post of Director(CIQA)
Revised Merit List for the post of Professor Computer Science
Provisional Merit list for the post of Director(CIQA)
Provisional Merit List for the post of Commerce/Management
Provisional Merit List for the post of Professor in Assistant Professor (Management/Commerce)
Revised Merit List for the post of Assistant Professor (Punjabi).
Provisional Merit List for the post of Associate Professor (English), Assistant Professor (English), Assistant Professor (Punjabi)
Detailed Advertisement
Kindly read the instructions given in Detailed Advertisement carefully before applying for the posts. Online Application portal for the following posts will open w.e.f 10.10.2022
Teaching Post(s)
- Professor in Commerce/Management (01)
- Professor in Computer Science (01)
- Director, Centre for Internal Quality Assurance (CIQA) (01)
- Associate Professor in English (01)
- Assistant Professor in Commerce/Management (01 BC)
- Assistant Professor in English (02) [01 Gen, 01 SC]
- Assistant Professor in Punjabi (02) [01 PwD, 01 SC]
Shortlisting Criteria for Professor/Associate Professor and Director CIQA
Shortlisting Criteria for the post of Assistant Professor
UGC-Regulation min Qualification Jul 2018
10/2022 (Dated 03.08.2022) |
Online applications are invited for the various Teaching and Non-Teaching posts in the University |
Online Application: 05.09.2022 10.09.2022
Hard copy: 15.09.2022
Result of written test for the post of Assistant Registrar
Answer Key of the written test conducted for the post of Assistant Registrar
Revised Schedule of Recruitment for the post of Assistant Registrar
Postponement of Written Test of Assistant Registrar
Download admit card for the post of Assistant Registrar
Notice for the post of Assistant Registrar
Schedule of Recruitment for the Post of Assistant Registrar
List of Eligible and Not-Eligible candidates for the post of Assistant Registrar
Syllabus of Written Test for the Recruitment of Assistant Registrar
Result of Written test of Senior Assistant Adv.no. 10/2022
Answer key for the post of Senior Assistant
Result for the post of System Administrator
Revised Answer key for the post of system administrator
Result for the post of Accountant
Result for the post of Library Assistant
Revised Answer keys for the post of Library Assistant
Answer key for the post of System Administrator
Answer key for the post of Accountant
Answer key for the post of Library Assistant
Notice Regarding Various Non-Teaching posts
Corrigendum regarding post of Senior Assistant
Result of typing test of Senior Assistant
Syllabus for the post of Senior Assistant
link for Demo Software for the typing test of the post of Senior Assistant
Instruction regarding the Typing test to be conducted on 20-11-2022 at Thapar Polytechnic college, patiala
Notice/Information for the post of Senior Assistant
Notice/Information for the post of System Administrator
Typing Test for the Post of Senior Assistant will be conducted on 20 Nov. 2022 (Sunday) from 11AM to 12PM at Thapar Polytechnic College, Patiala
List of eligible and non-eligible candidate for the post of System Adminstrator
List of eligible and non-eligible candidate for the post of Library Assistant
List of eligible and non-eligible candidate for the post of Accountant
List of eligible and non-eligible candidate for the post of Senior Assistant
Syllabus of System Administrator
Syllabus of Library Assistant
Syllabus of Accountant
Detailed Advertisement
Kindly read the instructions given in Detailed Advertisement carefully before applying for the posts. Online Application portal for the following posts will open w.e.f 04.08.2022
Teaching Post(s)
- Professor in Commerce/Management (01)
- Professor in Computer Science (01)
- Director, Centre for Internal Quality Assurance (CIQA) (01)
- Associate Professor in English (01)
- Assistant Professor in Commerce/Management (01 BC)
- Assistant Professor in English (02) [01 Gen, 01 SC#]
- Assistant Professor in Punjabi (02) [01 PwD, 01 SC#]
Non-Teaching Post(s)
- Registrar (01)
- Secretary to Vice-Chancellor (01)
- Assistant Registrar (01)
- System Administrator (01)
- Personal Assistant (01)
- Senior Assistant (02)
- Accountant (01)
- Library Assistant (01)
Selection Criteria of Registrar
Selection Criteria for the Post of Associate Professor/ Professor
Selection Criteria for Assistant Professor
Short Listing Criteria for Non Teaching Posts
09/2022 (Dated 12.04.2022 ) |
Online applications are invited from eligible candidates for various Non-Teaching posts in the University |
Online Application: 02.05.2022
Hard copy: 09.05.2022
Detailed Advertisement
Kindly read the instructions given in Detailed Advertisement carefully before applying for the posts. Online Application portal for the following posts will open w.e.f 13.04.2022
1. Controller of Examinations
2. Deputy Registrar
3. Superintendent
4. Senior Assistant
5. Technical Assistant (A) (IT)
6. Technical Assistant (B) Language
7. Junior Technician (Multi Media Lab)
08/2022 (Dated 15.03.2022 ) |
Online applications are invited for the various Teaching and Non-Teaching posts in the University |
Online Application: 08.04.2022
Hard copy: 15.04.2022
Final Merit List of the Candidates for the post of DEO
Shortlisted Candidates for Typing Test
Result of Written test of DEO
Notice Regarding Answer key of DEO Examination Published on 10.10.2022
Answer Key of Paper DEO A
Answer Key of Paper DEO B
Answer Key of Paper DEO C
Answer Key of Paper DEO D
Information for the post of Data Entry Operator
Link for Demo Software for the typing test of the post of Data Entry Operator
Important Instructions for the tests of Data Entry operator
Detailed Advertisement
Kindly read the instructions given in Detailed Advertisement carefully before applying for the posts. Online Application portal for the following posts will open w.e.f 16.03.2022
1. Professor
- Commerce/Management
- Punjabi
- Social Sciences
2. Associate Professor
- Commerce/Management
- English
3. Assistant Professor
- Commerce/Management
- English
- Economics
- Punjabi
4. Director Centre for Internal quality assurance (CIQA)
5. System Administrator/ Assistant Programmer
6. Assistant Registrar/ Personal Assistant/ Superintendent/ Data Entry Operator
Shortlisting Criteria for the Post of Assistant Professor
Shortlisting Criteria for the Post of Associate Professor and Professor
07/2021 (Dated 29.12.2021) |
Online applications are invited for the various Teaching and Non-Teaching posts in the University |
Online Application: 20.01.2022
Hard copy: 27.01.2022
Scorecard of candidates for the post of Research Fellow (Bhagwan Shri Parshuram Chair)
Detailed Advertisement
Kindly read the instructions given in Detailed Advertisement carefully before applying for the posts. Online Application portal for the following posts will open w.e.f 30.12.21
Chair Professor (Eminent Scholar having outstanding academic track record in the field of social sciences)/ Research Fellow (Hindi/Sanskrit/Social Sciences/Indian art and Culture)
06/2021 (Dated 24.12.2021) |
Online applications are invited for the various Non-Teaching posts in the University |
Online Application: 14.01.2022
Hard copy: 21.01.2022
Detailed Advertisement
Kindly read the instructions given in Detailed Advertisement carefully before applying for the posts. Online Application portal for the following posts will open w.e.f 25.12.21
Controller of Examinations/ System Administrator/ Programmer/ Assistant Programmer/ Personal Assistant/ Data Entry Operator
Syllabus for the Post of Programmer
Syllabus for the Post of Assistant Programmer
Syllabus for the Post of System Administrator
Instruction for Candidates Regarding Typing Test to be conducted for recruitment of the post of Data Entry Operator
Cancellation of Typing Exam for Data Entry Operator post
The Data Entry Operator Screening Test(Typing/Skill Test) will be held on 30th march, 2022 at Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology Patiala
Syllabus for the Post of Data Entry Operator
Interview for the Post of Data Entry Operator
05/2021 (Dated 05.10.2021) |
Online applications are invited for the various Teaching and Non-Teaching posts in the University |
Online Application: 25.10.2021
Hard copy: 01.11.2021
Provisional Merit list for the post of Assistant Professor in Sociology, Computer Science
Provisional Merit list for the post of System Administrator, Programmer, Accountant
Criteria for Short Listing of Candidates for Assistant Professor
Detailed Advertisement
Kindly read the instructions given in Detailed Advertisement carefully before applying for the posts. Online Application portal for the following posts will open w.e.f 05.10.21
Assistant Professor in Computer Science/ Assistant Professor in Sociology
System Administrator/ Programmer/ Personal Assistant/ Superintendent/ Accountant/ Consultant-cum-Marketing Coordinator/ Stenographer
Syllabus for the Post of Programmer
Syllabus for the Post of System Administrator
Syllabus for the Post of Accountant
Tentative Schedule for Competitive Examination (Non-Teaching position)
List of Non-eligible candidates (Non-Teaching Positions)
(Dated 30.05.2021) |
Notice inviting quotation from Chartered Accountant |
Submission of Quotation: 14.06.2021 (Up to 3.00 PM in sealed envelope) |
Application Form
04/2021 (Dated 28.05.2021) |
Online applications are invited for the various Non-Teaching posts in the University |
Online Application: 21.06.2021
Hard copy: 30.06.2021
Instruction Manual
Kindly read instruction manual carefully before applying for the posts. Online Application portal for the following posts will open w.e.f 30.05.21
Deputy Registrar/Assistant Registrar/ Audit Officer/ Superintendent/Library Assistant
03/2021 (Dated 26.04.2021) |
Online applications are invited for the various Teaching and Non-Teaching posts in the University |
Online Application: 03.06.2021
Hard copy: 10.06.2021
Conduct of Driving Test for the Post of Driver-25-07-2021
Conduct of Driving Test for the Post of Driver-24-07-2021
Conduct of written test for the post of Technical Assistant (Langueses).
Conduct of written test for the post of Technical Assistant (IT).
Instructions for the Post of Personal Assistant/ Senior Assistant and Stenographer.
Conduct of Test/Interview for the Post of Personal Assistant.
Conduct of Screening Test for the Post of Senior Assistant.
Conduct of Test/ Interview for the Post of Stenographer.
Important letter for applicant applied for the post of Assistant Professor
Criteria for Shortlisting Associate Professor/Professor
Criteria for Shortlisting of Assistant Professor
Instruction Manual
UGC Guidelines
Apply for, (w.e.f. 28.04.2021) Professor/Associate Professor/Asst. Professor/Librarian
Apply for, (w.e.f. 28.04.2021) Finance Officer/Personal Asst./Senior Asst./ Stenographer/ Technical Assistant/Driver